Ringing Roadshow
6th September 2014
Newbury Racecourse
“Everything for the ringer you are and the ringer you want to be”
What’s on at the Roadshow?
Like Lord Reith’s BBC, the seminars are designed to entertain, inform and educate – with the emphasis on entertain. They are absolutely free and will take place in two splendid seminar rooms, one of which – The Whitechapel Room – has been kindly sponsored by The Whitechapel Bell Foundry.
There’s only a ten minute gap between seminars, so please arrive and leave swiftly.
The programme reflects all the feedback from earlier years together with recent requests, so if you’ve enjoyed a seminar before, you’ll be OK here. And if you’ve never been before, you’ll be bowled over by whatever you come to. And in case you’re worried, the specialist seminars will be just as entertaining as the truly breath-taking handbell concerts – but you’ll learn a lot too.
And if you’re the right age for either the Young Ringers’ Seminar or the Older Ringers’ Seminar, please come and share your views and experiences. It’s going to be a really great day!
The Concert Hall
11 a.m. “The Magic of Handbells” – A demonstration of different Tune Ringing Styles – The Superb Semi-Finalists from Britain’s got Talent – Aeolian Chimes – will perform while Alan Hartley explains
Noon “When it All Went Wrong” – a Romp through the great Ringing disasters of History – Steve Coleman and the Six First Class Readers: Mary Bone, Mike Trimm, Kath Johnson, Mike Winterbourne, Rachael Barber and Fred Bone
1 p.m. “The Lunchtime Handbell Concert” The World famous South East Regional Bell Orchestra will be giving virtuoso performances of their most popular music on their extensive collection of handbells and handchimes
2 p.m. “Young in an Old Ringers World” – How to deal with all the Problems and Prosper – A discussion by young Ringers for young Ringers, led by Simon Edwards and five other teenage ringers from all over the country.
(N.B. Only ringers under the age of 25 may speak. Older ringers are very welcome indeed to attend, listen and learn – but not to speak! They had their turn at 1.00pm in The Whitechapel Room)
3 p.m. “The Matinee Handbell Concert” The World famous South East Regional Bell Orchestra will again be giving virtuoso performances on their extensive collection of handbells and handchimes
The Whitechapel Room
11 a.m. “Making it Sound Better” –Top tips on improving your Listening and Striking painlessly (no matter how bad you are to start with) – James Blackburn and The Central Council Education Committee
Noon “Can I Play Conkers in the Belfry?” – The Truth about Ringing Health and Safety and All your Questions Answered – Annette Hall a Health and Safety Officer, Alan Hughes, Managing director of The Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd, and Kate Flavell the Insurance Professional
1 p.m. “Over Sixty, But So What?” – A Hundred Ways to Progress despite No Longer Being young – A discussion by Older Ringers for Older Ringers, led by Mike Winterbourne of The Bradfield Course together with fellow bus pass holders, Margaret glasgow, Elizabeth Johnson and Andrew Howes
(N.B. Only ringers over the age of 55 may speak. Younger ringers are very welcome to attend, listen and learn – but not to speak! They will get their turn at 2.00pm in The Concert Hall)
2 p.m. “Ringing Up and Down in Peal” – Coping in the real world and succeeding no matter what – Steve Coleman
3 p.m. “Teaching for the 21st Century” – A New Structure for New Ringers – Pip Penney and The Association of Ringing Teachers with their new system for now and for the future
Don’t forget tickets are available to buy from the RR website www.ringingroadshow.co.uk.
Ringing Roadshow Organiser