"Shake my hand and I'll show you the ropes"

A biography of George Pipe

by John Loveless


£18.50 (includes UK postage and packaging*)

Hardback, 240 pages.


From a Suffolk family with bellringing in its blood, George Pipe (1935–2020) was an unusually influential character across his long life. He was involved in the growth of bellringing in America and Australia, built on centuries of tradition in Suffolk ringing, and maintained a huge network of friends through his many activities.

In The Ringing World's first major book publication for many years, over the course of twenty chapters illustrated with over one hundred of George's photographs, sketches and other memorabilia, John Loveless traces George's extraordinary life - his range of talents, his accomplishments across the world of ringing, and the many colourful characters George kept in touch with. Filled with stories and history and including a sixteen-page colour photograph section, this book is sure to delight and interest a wide range of readers. 


A Biography of George Pipe



ISBN 978-1-8381590-0-9


 * Bulk discounts available - please contact the RW office.

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Central Council of Church Bell Ringers